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Writer: AnecafydeAnecafyde


   Within the framework of the ANESTAPS Grand Oral that took place in Strasbourg on February 9 , the Association Nationale des Étudiants-es en Sciences et Techniques des Physical Activities et Sportives (ANESTAPS) , is pleased to announce the creation of a strategic alliance with the National Assembly of Students in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences of Spain (ANECAFYDE).

Both associations, representatives of students in the field of sports sciences , have wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to create an inclusive, open, social and sports-based Europe, for the benefit of and for young people. They have collaborated in the creation of a European Alliance under the name " European Youth Alliance in the field of sport (EYAS)" in order to promote important transformations in sports policies throughout the region.  In an effort to promote progressive sports policies, ANESTAPS and ANECAFYDE will collaborate on a variety of projects, events and programs that will benefit students and sports professionals across Europe.

The main objective  of the European Alliance is to promote a positive change  in the European sports field, based on the values of commitment, economic justice, responsibility, gender equality, democratic participation, diversity, health and integrity. The objective of the alliance is to create a platform that is inclusive and harmonious, which is beneficial for all young Europeans who enjoy physical-sports activities.


Main Focus Areas of the Alliance:

  1. Engagement Facilitator and Rewarder:  The alliance will encourage the active participation of young people in shaping European sports policies, offering a rewarding space for expression and commitment.

  2. Fairer Economy for Physical-Sports Activities:  The alliance will promote practices that benefit all those involved in physical-sports activities to promote a fairer sports economy.

  3. Responsible and Accessible:  Committed to responsibility and accessibility, the alliance will work to establish guidelines that guarantee sustainable and accessible practices in all sports disciplines.

  4. Promoter of Gender Equality: Gender equality will be a central pillar, with the alliance promoting initiatives that promote the equal participation of women in all sports disciplines.

  5. Participatory and Democratic:  The alliance will be a participatory and democratic space where decision-making will reflect the diversity of its formations, ensuring representation and voice for all.

  6. Harmonious and Protective in Diversity: Celebrating diversity, the alliance will strive to create a harmonious environment that respects and protects the different identities and backgrounds present in the sporting field.

  7. Aware of Health and Integrity Issues: Health and integrity will be priorities, with the alliance advocating for policies and practices that ensure the well-being of all participants in physical-sports activities.

  8. For All Young People:  The alliance has an unwavering commitment to all young people, ensuring that their needs, aspirations and challenges are considered in all initiatives and policies.

The signing of this historic alliance will take place at the ANESTAPS Grand Oral on February 9 in Strasbourg, marking the beginning of a significant collaboration that will shape the future of sport in Europe.


Declaration of ANESTAPS : When askedWill this alliance remain informal or does it intend to become a European association?” If so, have they identified financing possibilities?

 " Very good question, thank you. In fact, the objective of this association is to integrate all the decision-making spaces that concern its fields of action. We talk about it, for example, in our compendium of positions. The Sports Division of the Council of Europe has created a space for dialogue that youth must integrate: the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport. Furthermore, the ecosystem in which we currently find ourselves, with many representatives present today (TAFISA, EASE, EOSE, Engso Youth), will allow us to accelerate this connection process.

Regarding financing, we have the help of the ERASMUS+ agency, which needs no introduction, and which would accompany us for 3 years with an aid of €400,000. Of course, this amount is justified in terms of travel and the very functioning of such a structure. Once again, we will most likely turn to our partners to help us in this search for financing. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the compendium of positions contains a section on the financing of the world of sport in Europe. "said Arthur Garrido, Vice President Responsible for Youth and European Affairs of ANESTAPS


ANECAFYDE Statement when asked: “How will you collaborate with ANESTAPS and ANECAFYDE, and what will you do in countries where there is no equivalent organization?”

" Thank you very much for the questions, they are really interesting.

Regarding operation, we have in mind that the alliance will have a board of directors to be able to work on the three axes. Furthermore, our idea is to organize conferences between member associations to promote the training of young Europeans involved in the sports sector. However, as I mentioned before, we will move forward little by little, and that is why we will start with monthly work meetings.

For countries that do not have a representative federation, we have considered the creation of a special college in our future board of directors. This college would be reserved for a qualified person, chosen by the country, to represent it before us. In any case, they are ideas, but we are looking for help since we are an open and transparent alliance that is attentive to those who propose ideas to us to achieve the objectives that we have set for European youth in the field of sport." Declares Daniel Franco Calzado, President of ANECAFYDE.


As we approach the European elections and the organization of the Olympic and Paralympic games in Paris, we launch a collective call to all organisations, federations and individuals involved with sport in Europe by creating a manifesto urging them to participate in this unprecedented alliance of young people in the field of sport to join us.




With this manifesto, we call on all organizations, federations or individuals who wish to participate in this unprecedented alliance of young people in the field of sport in Europe to join us.

Youth, as often happens, are largely forgotten by current governments. Sports is no exception. The European sports ecosystem is very broad, and young people are only seen as users and beneficiaries of sports policies, nor as actors in their own right. According to Arnstein's (1969) participation scale, the consultation currently offered to young people only represents symbolic cooperation.

We are convinced that February 9, 2024 marks a decisive turning point for the place of young people in the European sports sector. The lack of relays at the European level means that the voice of young people in sport and youth work cannot be heard adequately by the different institutional actors.

After verifying that the majority of national actors had European representatives (EOSE, EASE, ENSE, ECSS, etc.), the desire to create this alliance of young people in the field of sport at European level became even stronger, and we wanted engage in dialogue with all these organizations from the beginning.

The alliance has 3 main axes: 

  • Guarantee equal opportunities for all young people committed to the sports field.

  • Promote your personal and professional development.

  • Develop access to physical activity and sport for all as a tool for education, social integration, health, inclusion and emancipation.


A few months before the European elections and the organization of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, we are launching this collective drive and we want the greatest possible number and the greatest diversity of young people in the field of sport in Europe to participate in it. With this manifesto, we call on all organizations, federations and individuals who wish to participate in this unprecedented alliance of young people in the field of sport in Europe to join us.


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